Data Projects

Heart Disease Prediction Dashboard

Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 cause of death globally. Heart failure is a common event caused by this. With that being said, I wanted to see, how past data could help patients and doctors predict Heart disease and Heart failure based on factors such as Age, Diabetes, and High blood pressure just to name a few. Please feel free to explore more of this project and click the picture above to take you directly to the Tableau Dashboard.

This project is dedicated to my father, Dwain McCray Sr., who unfortunately passed away from Heart Disease in 2019. I will always love you and remember the lessons you taught me. Thank you for everything.

"Don't let no one stand in your way of being successful"

-Dwain McCray Sr.

HR Analytics Dashboard

In this project, I took Human Resource sample data and areas of asked questions a company would want to know. Some of this information included Education by field, Age group, and job satisfaction to name a few. Please feel free to explore more of this project and click the picture above to take you directly to the Tableau Dashboard.

Data Professional Survey

In this project, I wanted to focus on Data professionals. This included data on favorite programming languages, average salary, and job titles just to name a few. Please feel free to explore more of this project and click the picture above to take you directly to the Power BI Dashboard.

Trends in Technology Amongst Developers

This project focused on the technology trends amongst developers. It helped determine the current and future programming languages, databases, platforms, and web frames. Please feel free to explore more of this project and click the picture above to take you directly to the Powerpoint Presentation.

If you would like to see this in a PDF, click here

In this project, I focused on COVID-19 vaccinations across the globe. I accomplished this by tracking the number of people who have been vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and who have not been vaccinated at all. Please feel free to explore more of this project and click the picture above to take you directly to the Tableau Dashboard.

COVID-19 Global Vaccine Tracker

World Happiness 2015-2017

In this project, I wanted to focus on World Happiness in countries other than the United States from 2015-2017. Please feel free to explore more of this project and click the picture above to take you directly to the Tableau Dashboard.

In this project, I focused on AirBnBs in Seattle Washington in 2016. From this information, you can view many areas of focus such as avg price per bedroom, revenue for the year, and price by zipcode to name a few. If you would like to see more of this project, click the picture above and it will take you directly to the Tableau Dashboard.

AirBnB project